Rabu, 28 November 2012

Distributor pulsa all operator

pulsa elektrik

Selamat Datang di situs resmi rifai cellular Authorized Distributor Pulsa Elektrik All Operator. Produk-produk isi ulang pulsa elektronik semua operator ada disini dengan harga yang kompetitif dan alokasi unit yang efektif. Dengan modal awal yang terjangkau, Anda sudah dapat memulai sebuah bisnis yang menjanjikan dan menguntungkan. Semakin meningkatnya jumlah pengguna HP di Indonesia menuntut pemenuhan kebutuhan akan agen penyedia layanan isi ulang pulsa baik secara elektrik ataupun fisik. Di rifai cellular Anda akan mendapatkan kebutuhan yang diperlukan untuk menjadi salah satu Agen penyedia isi ulang pulsa dengan  produk yang murah dan lengkap.


  • Pendaftaran Gratis,
Pendaftaran Dealer baru tidak dipungut biaya sepeserpun. Untuk bergabung  cukup dengan mendaftarkan nomor HP Anda via sms dan tunggu sms balasan dari kami.
  • Tanpa Biaya Tambahan,
Tidak ada minimal deposit, tidak ada potongan biaya deposit. Tanpa target penjualan maupun tutup point dan batasan wilayah.Kami berusaha memberikan yang terbaik untuk Anda.
  • Praktis, 
Melalui sistem sms dari kartu (pra bayar maupun pasca bayar) dan jenis handphone apa pun, yang memungkinkan Anda bisa menjual voucher kapan pun dan dimanapun. 
  • Transaksi 24 jam non stop,
Anda dapat melakukan transaksi 24 jam non stop dalam sehari, 7 hari dalam seminggu, termasuk hari libur, sehingga bisnis Anda tidak dibatasi oleh waktu. Transaksi pada hari berjalan selain dapat diperiksa melalui handphone anda, juga dapat diperiksa melalui Web Reporting.
  • Dipakai Sendiri Lebih Hemat Dijual Lagi Pasti Untung,
Harga pulsa kami selalu di bawah harga pasar. Sangat cocok jika Anda ingin menjualnya kembali maupun Anda pakai sendiri atau untuk mengisi pulsa kerabat Anda. Pasti untung dan lebih hemat.
  • Transaksi lebih mudah dan hemat dengan Yahoo Messenger dan Google Talk,
Selain via sms, engine kami juga mendukung transaksi via Yahoo Messenger dan Google Talk. Dengan Yahoo Messenger dan Google Talk transaksi akan lebih mudah dan hemat.
  • Web Report,
Anda bisa melakukan pengecekan transaksi melalui sms maupun web report. Fasilitas ini disediakan untuk memudahkan Anda dalam memantau transaksi secara real time.
  • Fasilitas Setting Harga Downline,
Anda bebas menentukan harga downline Anda. Dengan kata lain Anda bebas menentukan keuntungan yang Anda terima dari downline Anda.
  • Satu deposit untuk lebih dari satu nomor handphone, ID YM dan ID GTalk,
Anda dapat mendaftarkan lebih dari satu nomor handphone, ID YM dan ID GTalk untuk satu deposit sehingga Anda dapat menjual voucher dari  handphone yang berbeda maupun dari YM dan GTalk. 
  • Deposit Bebas,
Anda dapat menyetorkan deposit Anda dari ATM / Teller / SMS Banking / Phone Banking / Internet Banking. Dengan jumlah deposit yang bebas, Anda sudah bisa memulai usaha Anda ssendiri dengan modal berapapun. Tanpa kerugian sedikitpun pada sistem deposit, kami akan mentransfer SELURUH jumlah yang anda setorkan pada kami.
  • Voucher elektronik murah,
Harga dasar umumnya lebih murah dari voucher fisik. Peminat lebih banyak karena pelanggan tidak perlu menggosok voucher dan memasukkan kode voucher pada handset mereka.
  • Otomatis,
Seluruh proses pengisian pulsa elektronik dilakukan otomatis oleh sistem. Tanpa transaksi ganda, satu nomor pelanggan hanya dapat diisi satu kali dengan denominasi sama antara pukul 00.00 WIB hingga 23:59 WIB. Untuk pengisian lebih dari satu kali dapat dilakukan dengan format pengisian yg ke dua, ke tiga dst.
  • Tanpa limit transaksi,
Dapat menjual voucher sebanyak apapun, selama deposit anda mencukupi. Customer Care yg selalu siap membantu Anda, Termasuk hari libur, mulai 08.00 WIB hingga jam 23.00 WIB.
  • Garansi 100%,
Tidak perlu khawatir dengan uang Anda. Uang Anda aman karena kami memberikan garansi 100% jika pulsa tidak masuk ke nomor tujuan maka saldo Anda kami kembalikan.
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Singkong Bukan Lagi Makanan “Kelas Dua”

Singkong bukan bahan makanan baru bagi penduduk Indonesia. Singkong merupakan jenis tanaman yang bisa ditanam di mana saja. Harganya tidak memberatkan kantong sehingga bisa dikonsumsi masyarakat kebanyakan. Singkong juga bisa diolah menjadi bermacam-macam makanan dengan cita rasa yang bervariasi, tetapi tetap memenuhi ekspektasi selera konsumen. Bahan makanan yang selalu menjadi makanan 'kelas dua' dapat disajikan lebih berkelas dan tentunya lezat. Selain digoreng atau dikukus, singkong ternyata bisa menjadi sajian yang lezat jika dipanggang dengan balutan bumbu. Gde Juastra, Executive Chef Grand Mas Hotel Legian Kuta ini mencoba berkreasi dengan singkong. Mari kita mencobanya.

Bubur Singkong Basa Genep
Untuk 2 Porsi
150 gram singkong dipotong dadu
50 gram singkong parut
50 gram basa genep (bumbu rempah-rempah Bali diulek halus)
10 gram sayur bayam
20 gram kacang panjang
20 gram buncis
5 gram kelapa parut
100 ml santan
Garam dan merica secukupnya

Penemannya: ayam sisit sambal matah, telur puyuh dan ikan teri.

Cara membuat:

• Rebus singkong bersama air sampai setengah matang.
• Masukkan basa genep, aduk-aduk hingga agak kental, baru masukan semua sayur.
• Masukan kelapa parut, santan,dan garam merica, cicipi rasanya sesuai keinginan.
• Sajikan di piring/mangkok, atasnya ditambah penemannya sesuai keinginan.

Getuk Gulung Romantis
Untuk 10 Potong

500 gram singkong kupas
125 gram gula pasir
25 ml santan
Garam secukupnya
250 gram kelapa parut
Pewarna makanan secukupnya
1 lembar duan pandan

Cara membuat:
• Kukus singkong hingga matang dan lunak, angkat dan haluskan.
• Rebus santan, gula, garam, daun pandan, dan pewarna makanan sampai mendidih.
• Campurkan santan rebus dan singkong yang telah dihaluskan aduk hingga rata.
• Letakan adonan di atas plastik tebal, giling hingga ketebalan 1 cm.
• Taburkan permukaan dengan kelapa parut, ratakan, gulung sambil dipadatkan, potong-potong sesuai selera.
• Sajikan, hias agar kelihatan menarik.

Tape Kukus Saus Cekelat Es Krem
200 gram tape singkong
75 gram kismis
1 sendok makan almond powder
1 sendok makan susu bubuk
1 sendok makan tepung panco
2 sendok makan gula pasir
1 butir telur ayam
Garam secukupnya

Bahan saus:
50 gram susu segar
50 gram cokelat blok
1 sendok makan cokelat bubuk

Cara membuat:
• Campur tape dengan susu bubuk, tepung panco, gula dan telur ,aduk sampai rata.
• Tambahkan kismis dan almon, aduk rata.
• Masukan adonan dalam cetakan bundar, kukus selama 15 menit hingga matang
• Angkat Dinginkan.
Cara membuat saus:
• Rebus cokelat bubuk dan susu, hingga hangat, tambahkan cokelat blok, aduk rata, kemudian angkat. Hias piring dengan saus cokelat.
• Atur tape kukus dalam piring, beri saus sesuai selera, hias dengan es krim stroberi. Sajikan.

Bolu Tape Singkong Isi Keju
Untuk 12 Potong

250 gram tape singkong dihaluskan
250 gram tepung terigu
150 gram mentega
200 gram santan kental
125 gram keju
200 gram gula pasir
6 butir kungin telur
4 butir putih telur
1 sendok makan ovalet

Cara membuat:
• Kocok gula pasir,telur ayam dan ovalet hingga mengembang.
• Masukkan tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit, sambil terus aduk hingga adonan tercampur rata.
• Campur tape yang telah dihaluskan dengan santan, lalu masukan ke dalam adonan telur tadi. Aduk hingga tercampur rata.
• Tuangkan mentega dalam adonan, sambil diaduk hingga rata.
• Tuang adonan ke loyang yang telah diolesi margarin dan ditaburi tepung terigu.
• Taburi di atasnya dengan keju, dan panggang adonan dalam oven bersuhu 175 derajat celcius selama 30 menit atau hingga matang.
• Angkat sajikan, hias sesuai keinginan.

Si Manis Dadar Singkong
Untuk 12 biji

Bahan Kulit:
600 gram singkong parut
Garam secukupnya
Pewarna makanan
3 sendok makan gula pasir
2 helai daun pandan
1 liter air

Bahan Isi:
1 butir kelapa setengah tua diparut
250 gram gula merah
5 sendok makan gula pasir
Garam secukupnya
2 sendok makan minyak goreng
100 ml air

Cara membuat:

• Kulit: Campur singkong dan semua bahan lainnya, kecuali air dan daun pandan. Aduk hingga tercampur rata.
• Campur air dan daun pandan, rebus hingga mendidih.
• Tempelkan sedikit adonan singkong ke bagian dalam tutup panci, pipihkan.
• Rebus di atas air daun pandan, hingga matang dan warnanya bening.
• Isi: Campur air, kelapa, gula merah, garam, minyak goreng. Masak hingga gula larut dan cairan mendidih.
• Ambil selembar dadar singkong, beri adonan isi secukupnya, gulung.
• Sajikan sesuai selera.
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Peluang Usaha Pemasaran Mr. COOL ice Cream

Ice Cream MR. COOL merupakan produk baru berupa ice cream dalam bentuk bubuk instan dalam kemasan  yang menerapkan metode water injection. Produk ini dibuat dengan standart dan citra rasa yang tinggi sehingga kualitas produk dapat dijamin serta aman untuk dikonsumsi oleh semua kalangan (anak-anak, remaja dan dewasa).  MR. COOL diproduksi tanpa mengandung bahan pengawet dan 100% halal. 

Keunggulan Produk Mr. Cool :
  • 100%  Halal.
  • Tidak mengandung bahan pengawet.
  • Mempunyai ijin DepKes RI
  • Pembuatannya cukup praktis.
  • Harganya terjangkau.
  • Dapat dikonsumsi oleh semua kalangan.
  • Mempunyai rasa yang beragam (8 Rasa).
  • Mudah dipasarkan. (ex : Kantin Sekolah TK, SD, SMP).


Modal Mr. Cool Rp. 250,- / pcs
Harga jual Mr. Cool Rp. 500,- / pcs
Contoh Simulasi :
Penjualan 500 pcs/hari (1 Freezer 6 rak = 500 sachet) dengan harga jual Rp. 500,-/pcs dalam satu bulan.
Modal : 500pcs x Rp. 250,- x 26 hari = Rp. 3.250.000,-
Perhitungan : 500pcs x Rp.500,- x 26 hari = Rp.6.500.000,-
Operasional : Rp. 750.000,-
(Air, Listrik, dll)

Penjualan           : Rp. 6.500.000,-
Modal : Rp. 3.250.000,-
Operasional : Rp.    750.000,- _
Laba Rp. 2.500.000,-


Catatan: Modal Mr. Cool tiap pcs nya dapat lebih murah jika jumlah pembelian lebih banyak, untuk lebih jelasnya lihat halaman "Daftar Harga"

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The 11 Best Resources for Learning Japanese

The 11 Best Resources for Learning Japanese

I have been learning Japanese a long time. I studied it formally at university and came out without any capacity to communicate in Japanese. I half blame the teachers who were better at researching linguistics than teaching it coherently (typically class activity was watching an episode of Aguri and cramming its archaic vocabulary), but I do blame myself for being a lazy student and believing that because I was paying for a uni course, I would just passively absorb language competency.
Living in Japan certainly helps learning it but, like university, you can’t sit around waiting for the moment everything becomes comprehensible. Having good resources is a must. There are books I’ve picked up, such as Read Japanese Today which, to me, were a waste of time with a catchy name.
So to save you time, instead of scouring the tubes fruitlessly (I’ve done it for you over years and years) instead of study, compiled a list of the 10 best resources I’ve found for learning Japanese.
The most useful dictionary I have ever known. No longer do you need to memorise the ‘dictionary form’ of verbs because you can enter verbs in ANY form: passive, negative, causative, past, present ANYTHING and Zkanji will produce a handy list of results and what it could mean. I also love the kanji stroke order animation.  Best of all, Zkanji is FREE and frequently updated.

Another open-source, free study gem. Anki is a flashcard program which quizzes you at varying levels of frequency depending on how well you know a card. You can download ready made decks for a staggering variety of subjects including Japanese or biology (even guitar tabs apparently). I don’t take advantage of all the features, like audio or video clips but I find it fantastically useful for my vocab and grammar cards and  in conjunction with a bit of scrap paper and a pencil for revising kanji.

Great drill program for kanji. Using the “Reading” function, you learn all the different readings, both on and kun, and slowly rise up the mastery levels unlocking 10 new kanji each time. Click ‘Sentences’ to see the words in context and apply your skills in the “Fill In” exercise. Though it hasn’t been updated since 2004, this is still a very useful and pretty stable, free program.


An add-on rather than a program, but soooo handy to have when reading Japanese online. For example, when reading this story from Asahi.com, Rikaichan deciphers word you can then chuck into Anki for later revision.

There are lots of great communities online, I’ve heard readthekanji.com is pretty good, but I find sometimes find it difficult to continue with a particular website’s regime, even after going to the effort of setting up a profile. Sometimes, instead of logging in, going through the forgotten password recovery rigmarole, and then getting sidetracked and checking on my Facebook, I just want to do some practice or get some knowledge straight up. Here are the sites I’ve found most useful.
Tae Kim:
This is an amazing resource full of clearly explained wealth of grammar information, exercises and tutorials plus a forum for the twisty questions.

Mic-J:  Thank you Tokyo Metropolitan University for making this. Interactive listening quizzes aimed at the different JLPT levels, interviews, grammar explanations. Fantastic for sharpening up listening skills especially for those not in Japan.

A comprehensive bank of online tests that give you a score and direct you to ‘refresher lessons’ for those questions you fail at.

If you go to the main homepage there are a lot of other JLPT related resources too, but which I haven’t really delved into much yet.
Ok, despite my earlier comments joining some online communities can be helpful. The two sites below are great because you can directly interact with native speakers.
Lang-8 is great. It shows how powerful the internet can be when people pool their skills together in a supportive and positive way. The basic idea is to write something – anything – a blog, a diary, sentences for Japanese homework, whatever! And native speakers will correct them for you, surprisingly quickly. You, being a good community member, will return the favour, if not for your ‘friends’ then for someone else, keeping the system chugging along.

An example of all the mistakes I made that were kindly corrected for me.

An English learner putting their essay on the web for correction
SharedTalk by Rosetta Stone:
Sharedtalk is a bit of a mixed bag. In many ways it’s fantastic: linking native speakers of different languages together in text chat or, for the braver, voice chat. The quality of chat is usually pretty good, I haven’t talked to any trolls or other cyber-harrassers. For the real shrinking daisies you can just mail each other. The main problems I’ve had with SharedTalk are more that people tend to chat in English rather than sharing time and don’t correct mistakes (kind of like real life language exchange). Setting out the parameters in a private conversation straight up can keep the things relevant.

Also you will get requests from people not studying your target language, but it's ok to decline.
I’ve tried using RWorld (see bottom left big, blue button) which is meant to connect users in various language learning games, but no one is ever on.
You know, books? The things not on the computer? Despite living most of my life online, I have still collected an impressive amount of textbooks. Highly rated books like Kanzen Master have been little help to me. Reading over lists of grammar and a few sentences never feels like it cements their usage in my mine. I need a variety of exercises and challenges to do that and one series in particular provided them.
Minna no nihongo:
Ok, the guy probably makes a lot of money if you decide to buy the Japanese book, plus the translation and the listening CDs book and the workbook all separately BUT there is so much in them, explanations, reading exercises, revising grammar from earlier chapters – you probably won’t even need another textbook, especially for beginners to intermediate.

Picture borrowed from http://japoniablizej.blogspot.com.au/2010/07/minna-no-nihongo.html
And finally, the most useful study tool in my repotoire:
The Nintendo DS
From beginner to advanced, the DS has the software for learning and using Japanese. Having a stylus for writing in kanji in the dictionary or quiz games means a more interactive study experience. No region lock means that games released in Japan that were intended for Japanese learners can be bought and played on consoles in other coutries.
I’m going to cheat a bit with the numbers and smush the three DS games I use most during study into one big DS category:
Kanji Sonomama Rakubiki Jiten:
Link is to a very handy Youtube video which is explain this great program way better than I, but basically it’s an electronic dictionary English to Japanese and visa versa, where you search for a word in English, kana or kanji, using the stylus to write it in. It doesn’t have Oxford English dictionary level of entries, but since I got this program, my very expensive Word-tank electronic dictionary has been ignored.

Click on the picture for more information on the dictionary
Bimoji training
This game needs a walk-through Youtube video like the one above, or else it maybe difficult for beginners to access. This is a game aimed squarely at the domestic Japanese market, for those embarrassed by their less than beautiful kanji writing.

Could use Sonomama Rakubiki Jitenon a second Nintendo DS to decipher it.http://ascii.jp/elem/000/000/136/136953/img.html 
The top, blue outlined menu button is a lite-version of the game with an explanation and aptitude test.
The next button is “Everyday Training”. You make your profile, click on the big red button marked トレーニング and get a go at drawing some kanji.

Some screen examples
You may not understand the detailed explanation of what you did wrong, but it’s good practice for correct stroke order. Once you’re through the Daily Exercise, you can access a function I really like:  Personal practise. 自由に練習 Small, dark green button at the bottom.

Here you can add what kanji you specifically want to get down the right way.
Ok, best for last:
250 Mannin no Kanken
Some lovely chap has done a video for the previous 200 Mannin no Kanken, but as far as I can tell, there is no difference.
The reasons I love this game are:
The levels.  From 10, with the first kanji kids in grade 1 learn, to SPECIAL LEVEL 1 which even native speakers are challenged by. You can practice both writing and reading of kanji and test your overall ability. Each quiz is only 5 questions (or 2 minutes) long, so you can study in quick bursts.

The word is in context: On the left (or right if you’re left handed) is a bit of flavour-text, with the red highlighting the word you have to write. There is more than one sentence for the kanji, so you don’t get too comfortable just learning how to recognise a certain phrase.
Hints, Revision and Testing Only of Weak Kanji: As you can see in the bottom left corner of the photo, the game eventually will give you a hint (or the whole kanji) when you’re struggling. At the end of each quiz there is the option to go through and revise each kanji, maybe take some time to enter the tricky ones into Anki. There’s also an option to only quiz the kanji you got wrong, which is great for the beginning of a new, higher level when you want to take things slow, absorb and not continually experience the sting of failure.
Orbs: Achieving Rainbow orb on a new level is such a rush~
Don’t be too frustrated if the game spits out the wrong kanji, even when you wrote it down perfectly. It can be quite strict with stroke order, but it only took a short amount of playing until I got the hang of it.
So there you go. 11 (remember DS games = one category :P ) hopefully useful resources for studying Japanese.
I’m always keen to hear other people’s study tips and resources so please feel free to comment.

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Tarzan X - Shame Of Jane (1994) Full Movie Free Mediafire Download Links

Tarzan X - Shame Of Jane (1994) Movie Download
Synopsis: One of the film's best-selling adult consumption is praised and remembered the movie Tarzan X - Shame Of Jane, starring Rocco and Rosa Caracciolo Sriffedi. In 1994 this film was made by successful adult audience attention because it is not just adults who are so vulgar scenes, but also because the flavor Tarzan stories that adopt this story.

Told that Jane (Rosa Caracciolo) is a walk in the woods of Africa, accidentally stepped on a trap set by Tarzan (Rocco Siffredi) and make Jane falls unconscious. Tarzan who first saw the woman then took the unconscious Jane to his residence. Since it arises from the seeds of love between them.

Genre: Adult, Adventure, Drama, 18 + | Year: 1994
Tarzan X - Shame Of Jane (1994)
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